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Measurements: 5 Litres - 1 Bottle contains 5 Litres Directions: Simply pour it into your vehicle's washer fluid reservoir or dilute it with water at a 10:1 ratio for warmer conditions. Then, activate your windshield wipers to distribute the screen wash evenly across the windshield, effectively removing any dirt or debris.
This 500ml Ultra All Seasons Concentrated Formula Screen Wash Cleaner is a must-have for every car owner. It boasts a powerful formula that can clean your windscreen in seconds, leaving no residue behind. With a concentration level that can go down to -16°C, this screen wash cleaner is perfect for use in all seasons, ensuring maximum visibility when driving. Formulated with a combination of powerful cleaning agents, the Screen Wash effectively cuts through tough stains, insect residue, and road grime, leaving your windshield crystal clear.